Refunding Artwork

Refunding Artwork

    When processing a refund, remember that there are some extra steps in refudning artwork in order to be able to properly close your artshow. This is because while you may have processed a refund, the artwork still has the bid attached, and will need to be either returned to the artist or handled in some way.  

  1. Refund The Artwork - Use the refund tool (not described here) to refund the artwork from the customer. (invoices will show the refund)
  2. Set the piece status to a 'On Display' status manually - In order to be able to retract the bid, the piece status will need to be in one of the 'On Display' modes. Set this manually, and for the reason mention that the sale was refunded.
  3. Retract the bid - Retract the bid, using the standard process to retract bids.
  4. Sell / Check out the artwork - Either sell the artwork to the next highest bidder, or retract all the bids and check the artwork out back to the artist using the check-out tool.