Release Notes 8.2.9

Release notes for version 8.2.9.
October 26, 2015, 20:02:
This release contains all changes between
developer release number 1424 and 1487.
* Updated release version to 8.2.9

-- General Fixes
Various efficiency and security improvements on SQL queries.
Various minor code fixes.
Corrected spelling of "Delaers Den Module" in license information.
Corrected issue when pulling latest version information from our web server (caused by switching to SSL).

-- Accounting
Corrected issue causing some cash box columns to not populate data.
Upgraded Cash box Management and view screens to show in event read-only mode.
Upgraded Cash box Management menu link to show even if the cash box system is off in system settings if any cash boxes exist.

-- Art Show / Dealers Den Module
Fixed Mantis Bug 530 - Artshow bidding stickers can now be set to print a configurable number on "initial setup".
Corrected issue causing bid stickers to become misaligned with labels when batch printing.

-- Con Ops
Fixed Mantis Bug 528 - Moved notes to top of dashboard.
Fixed Mantis Bug 529 - resolved issue where active tasks would not show on the dashboard until after you went to the task logging screen.

-- Console
Upgraded Global variable editor tool for ease of use.
Corrected incorrect column names in shopping cart on the edit cart screen.

-- Database Changes
Created db update 541:
-Table email_servers added.
-Table email_senders added.
-Default email server created in table.
-Default email_sender for each event created in table.

-- Email System
Added PHPMailer library to cm.
Upgraded the whole email sending system to use a standardized library and support SMTP sending.
- Created GUI for editing email servers and senders (located in Admin-Install menu).
- Modified edit_events page to reflect new email_senders drop down.
- Updated new event wizard to copy forward email_senders from previous event.

-- Filtering
Upgraded the country/state filter option.

-- Kiosks
Fixed Mantis Bug 282 - Upgraded Kiosk to include state pull-down. And to auto-populate phone number contact names.
Corrected issue causing double sending of registration emails when using PayPal as payment method.
Corrected issue causing states reverting to Alabama in kiosks.

-- Mass Mailer
Can now send fully HTML emails.

-- Printing
Updated default badge code to FNOT
Changed sort order for pre-print aup's to print by UID (instead of reg number).
Upgraded user interface for pre-print aup's.
Added code for AutoPrint Scripts.

-- Registrant Notes
Corrected issue causing pop ups from registrant notes to loop endlessly in cashier screen when adding registrant to cart.

-- Volunteers
Corrected issue causing volunteers with no time to have incorrect UIDs in first column.
Added edit hours log button to volunteer list.
Renamed set volunteer status to list volunteers.
Moved volunteer hours graph to list volunteers page.
Added JQuery table sort to volunteer hours graph.
Made "no volunteers" message display inside a UI widget.
Made all "edit hours log" buttons float right.
Date/Time picker added to edit hours page.
Renamed "UNAVAILABLE" to "Off Duty".