Release Notes 8.1.0

Release notes for version 8.1.0.
This release contains all changes between
developer release number 773 and 806.
The following changes and or features were added
* General - Upgraded process refund script to be more user friendly, and to handle invoices
* Artshow - Upgraded List Artists functions
* Printing - Updated AUP priting to use htmlDoc verus html2ps
* Quicksearch - Changed Quicksearch to a "GET" method, which will function better through session timeouts.
* Quicksearch - Removed 'quicksearch' title from input box.
* Corrected bidder re-numbering issue. Activiating the same bidder now no longer issues numerous bidder numbers.
* Corrected bug where multiple artists were getting same artist_id
* Corrected bug that showed artist listing from other shows rather than just from the show your lookng at.
* Refund - Corrected bugs in refund script
* List Artists - Upgraded listartists.
* Payments - Added a new payment type of 'AS_PAYOUT' to indicate
* Added Settings - Added some settings
* Fixed bug with invoicing people with no addresses.
*Finished first version of close_artshow wizard.
* Corrected bug which prevented prices entered with a comma.
* Artshow - Added the 'Artshow ID' field to the display in edit show.
* Corrected bug that wasn't showing check-in/out reports, and added staffer name to checkin/out report ID.
* Updated Stylesheet for console-default - No look and feel changes, but less lines.
* Steps Template - corrected typo in steps template which will cause unexpected error.
* Artshow - Changed the way the close artshow happens.
- Also changed as_finalize, and the refund script.
Pieces no longer get added to artist cart until close of artshow.
This will prevent artist sales from affecting their account until the close
* Artshow - Also added sales report, in html printable, html vieable, and pdf
* Payment account linking - rmeoved a debug message
*Close Wizard - Added support for artists who made no sales.
*Artshow - Upgraded timing on 'close_show wizard' so taxes are after items
*Account_history - Made viewing of AS_PAYOUT payments more graceful
*General - Extracted 'User Defined Fields' into it's own table in view reg.
* Kiosk - Security questions can now be stored in MD5: hashes, in order to support import from everfree. questions will not be force-changed, but if/when they are, they will upgrade to blowfish encryption.
* Added ability to print bid_tags from zebra printers within the reg system
* Added print_bid_tag function to printing functions
* General - Removed some 'module not found' errors.
* Updated print_bid_tag to print the tag wider.
JQuery-ui support added; drag and drop swap by type example added.
* Artshow / Dealers Table Re-Assignment tool done.
*general - Added ability to manage images stored in the database Inclduing
the ability to purge old cheque images and the like.
*Artshow - Added artshow wizard to help customers configure artshow
and dealers den. Helps you with what to do next each step
of the way.
*Renamed old dealers module.
* Finished the PDF version of the final artshow sales report
*Dealers - Modify dealers module to include assistants
*Added cut and drawer eject commands to reciept printing in esc-pos